Finnsdottir Ceramic Tales,

Finnsdottir Ceramic Tales,

Have you heard of Finnsdottir Ceramic Tales? Don’t worry, I’m not trying to sell you anything (apart from pastel being ‘in’) since I have no involvement with them.

Basically, I’m trying to gear into a lifestyle of only buying stuff that I really want. By that I mean I have thought about them for weeks or months and if after that time I feel that I need them or crave them, I let go of my purse and allow them to take my money. I’m trying really hard to stop impulse buying both because my house could possibly drown in stuff that I thought for a point in time was worth buying and fill it with clutter, and also it’s so bad for the environment especially if these are mass produced things that have traveled the world back and forth. Buying local made items may be more expensive in the short run but it will pay off in the long run.

One of the things I crave at the moment are the ceramic vases and candle holders from the danish/icelandic designers at Finnsdottir Ceramic Tales. The forms and colors are just so overwhelmingly beautiful.


Finnsdottir Ceramic Tales

I’ve never been much of a fan of pastel colors till now, I guess by remembering the early 90’s when the world was in painted in every pastel color available – simultaneously – I got a bit immune to them, but using pastel with white/off white and black is really delicately beautiful.finnsdottir_samsurium_jumbobell_grey_rgb_1000x1000px

One of the items I’m looking out for this Christmas is this four piece candlestick, very festive as Christmas decoration but can totally go in non-Christmas context in January, so I’d never pack it down with all the holiday items.



Just look at these christmas decorations, a squirrel and a deer. Just can’t beat the cuteness!


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Check out the facebook page for Finnsdottir Ceramic Tales, the photo stream is just drop dead gorgeous. This is definitely on my wish list this christmas, *hint*.