Highlights of 2012
2012 was overall an amazing year for us.
On our way home on Jan 1st from celebrating new years eve with the family, we were talking in the car of what exciting things we should do this year. And we decided to get married!
Come on, we’ve been engaged for seven years, since the christening of our firstborn, and started dating in 1997. That’s like 15 years ago..!
So it didn’t only seem logical but also fun and exciting.
We decided on May 12th. 2012. We wanted a spring wedding and it was a saturday so it seemed perfect.
And it was.
We had a little over 100 guests, a caterer who served lamb and chicken, we made sushi and our moms made the most delicious chocolate cakes ever.
We made the decorations ourselves, I got the vases at Ikea, cut the birch off a tree in our garden and sowed wheatgrass (which takes only approx. 10 days to grow that much). It was full of life.
I bought some lightbrown fabric and made 30cm wide table runners which served as excellent background for the table decorations. It’s also necessary to remember that there needs to be room for all the glasses, wine and water bottles.
The printables were designed at blek – the napkin was printed at Reykjavik letterpress and the menu and the invitation was printed at our local printshop.
We hung printouts of us from various sources onto a chord and hid the nails with pompoms.
Happy family on May 12th