Have you ever felt a strong desire and longing for cushions?
No, not really?
Then you haven’t seen the notknot cushions by Ragnheidur Ösp / Umemi. They are just adorable little wool-warmers, weaved together to form well known knots and make any sofa look good.
And they are hot, you can’t really open a design magazine these days without bumping into them (thank god they’re soft) in all those wonderful colors.
The designer, Ragnheidur, was in my class when I was teaching at the Iceland Academy of the arts a few years ago (man, I sound old) and she’s the wife of one of my designer-friends. I’m so happy for the success of the Notknot cushions.
Check them out.
Photograps from www.umemi.com and the interview at Snoop-Around.com